Run to Raise Funds for Tinnitus Research
Have you ever thought of running a marathon? That is 26.2 miles! Thousands of people run marathons each year - often to raise funds for a cause that is close to their heart. With over 4.7 million people in the UK with tinnitus, we reckon that quite a few would be marathon runners ...
Run for us ...
Are you running a marathon, half-marathon, 10K race or fun-run this year? Have you thought about running for charity? We would like to hear from you.
Ask us for a runners sponsorship pack ...
Running for Action for Tinnitus Research will help to raise even more funds for research - and gets the message of hope out to a wider audience.
Running Shirts . Sponsors Needed
We would like to get proper running shirts produced with the Action for Tinnitus Research logo and message emblazoned on it. The minimum order quantity is 25 shirts. That would cost us just over �300 - or �12 a shirt.
We are calling on companies or individuals to sponsor our running shirts.
As a company or individual sponsor we will acknowledge your sponsorship in our eNewsletters and on our website. Alternatively, if you prefer, you could make an anonymous donation.